
vtem.vtdm.decode_video(spikefile, Dswfilename, dirichfilename, start_time, end_time, dt, Mx, My=None, Mt=None, domain=None, Wx=None, Wy=None, Wt=None, lamb=0.0, dtype=<type 'numpy.float64'>, rnn=False, alpha=50000, steps=4000, stitching=False, stitch_interval=None, spatial_stitching=False, spatial_interval=[96, 96], precompute=True, write_blocks=False, output_format=0, output='rec')

Reconstruct video using VTDM with dirichlet kernel, assuming IAF neurons


spikefile : string

the file generated by VTEM containing spike info

Dswfilename : string

file generated by VTDM_prep

dirichfilename : string

file generated by VTDM_prep

start_time : float

the starting time of the segment to reconstruct

end_time : float

the ending time of the segment to reconstruct

dt : float

the interval between two consecutive frames in the output

Mx : integer

order of dirichlet space in x variable must be the same as used in VTDM_prep

My : integer, optional

order of dirichlet space in y variable must be the same as used in VTDM_prep if not specified, My = Mx

Mt : integer, optional

order of dirichlet space in t variable if not specified, will infer from spikefile

domain: list, optional

4-list or 4-tuple, [xstart, xend, ystart, yend] the spatial domain to recover must be the same as in VTDM_prep

Wx : float, optional

bandwidth in x variable if not specified, will use the info in spikefile

Wy : float, optional

bandwidth in y variable if not specified, will use the info in spikefile

Wt : float, optional

bandwidth in t variable if not specified, will use the info in spikefile

lamb : float, optional

smoothing coefficient lambda

dtype : optional

np.float128 or np.float64, data type of the output If not specified, will be set to np.float64

stitching: bool, optional

True if the recovery algorithm should use stiching. False otherwise. If not specified, will be set to False. Stiching should ideally be used only for long videos.

stitch_interval : integer, optional

If stitching is set to True, stitch_interval will set the individual segment lengths. If not specified, will default to an interval corresponding to 20 frames. If a larger video is being decoded, this should be explicitly set to a lower value if a single GPU is being used.

spatial_stitiching : bool, optional

True if the recovery algorithm should use spatial stitching. If the video is of high resolution, should be set to true. Spatial stiching will be diabled if the domain of recovery is less than 96x96 pixels. If not specified, will be set to False.

spatial_interval : list, optional

If spatial_stiching is set to True, will determine the domain for spatial stiching. If not specified, will default to [96,96] pixels.

precompute : bool, optional

If set to True, innerproducts will be calculated and stored in an h5 file before the VTDM call. If not specified, will default to True

write_blocks: bool, optional

Only used if spatial_stitching is True. If set to True, will write the individual blocks to disc as well. If not specified, will be set to False

output_format : integer, optional

0 to write recovered video to avi file 1 to write recovered video to h5 file Anything else to not write recovered video to disc If not specified, will be set to 0

output : string, optional

output filename in which the reconstructed video will be stored If not specified, will be set to “rec”


The recovered video as a numpy array


On a single device with 3 GB memory, around 27000 spikes can be decoded. Spatial stitching and temporal stitching can be used to recover a video which produces more spikes than what can be decoded on single GPU. See Example below.

The coordinate system is given by the following:

row (width / X) major

-----------------------------------------> width
|   Y
|   ^-------------------->
|   |-------------------->
|   |-------------------->
|   |--------------------> X


>>> import atexit
>>> import pycuda.driver as cuda
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from vtem import vtem,vtdm
>>> cuda.init()
>>> context1 = cuda.Device(0).make_context()
>>> atexit.register(cuda.Context.pop)
>>> vtem.VTEM_Gabor_IAF('fly_large.avi', 'spikes.h5', 
                        2*np.pi*10, h5input=False)
>>> vtdm.decode_video('spikes.h5', 'dsw.h5', 'dirich.h5',
                      0, 1, 0.01, Mx, rnn=True, alpha=5000, steps=4000,
                      dtype=np.float32, stitching=True, stitch_interval=0.2,
                      spatial_stitching = True, spatial_interval = [80,80],
                      output_format=0, write_blocks=True)